Friday, October 12, 2007


Google "finland time zone". Click on the first link [Wikipedia article].

Recognize the language? Thought not. It's Somali. Isn't that bizarre? Somalia doesn't even have an operational national domain and it has a Wiki article for Finland.

And why the blue buffalo Google chose to display the Somali page as the most relevant search is one of those ineffable ineffabilities of life.

But there is at least a possible explaination. The Somali page is the only page I could find that didn't have the info bar in the language of the page. So the Basque page says "Ordu Eremua" instead of "Time Zone."



First Word said...

What I want to know is why you googled "finland time zone." I doubt I've ever googled that.

trogonpete said...

That is something I would very much like to know too

First Word said...

Well, I suppose it's not like "Laplander penguin" or "enormous jerusalem artichoke fields." Those might be stranger.

Speaking of googling Finland, have you ever googled "halonen o'brien" in Google images?

trogonpete said...

wow, a laplander penguin. definitely stranger than enormous jerusalem artichoke fields.

and wow. All I have to say is wow. Everybody needs to google halonen o'brien. Wow.

First Word said...

It's conceivable that an Antarctic explorer from the plains of northern scandanavia kidnapped a penguin and cultivated them at home. But not likely.