Sunday, January 13, 2008

Again, what should I write about?

This time, pick 3 and rank them. I'll do every one that gets a vote before I ask this again! And this time, there is no reason for the order.

Book reviews:
1. The World Without Us by Alan Weisman [5 stars]
2. Resistance by Barry Lopez [4.5 stars]
3. 1491 by Charles C. Mann [2.5 stars]
4. Nature via Nurture by Matt Ridley [4.5 stars]
[4.5. Doomsday Book by Connie Willis [4 stars] -- it's difficult for me to review novels but I'll try really hard if you REALLY want it]

5. The demise of the clovis megafaunal extinction theory
6. Thoughts on asceticism
7. The Project for the New American Century
8. The chimp video game study fraud
9. The first Global Warming data
10. Why I might never have a real job [aka "The 2008 DOE Science Budget"]
11. Why the election system is broken
12. Cranks, kooks, crackpots, and their relationship to science... and birding

[There are 12 delegates up for grabs. Delegates will be assigned in a proportionate distribution based on voters' number 1 picks, except when a particular candidate topic receives less than 15% of the possible vote, in which case its delegates will be transferred to the second choices of the voters casting the unpopular first pick. If your second choice also receives less than 15% of the vote, all of your votes will contribute delegates to your third choice. If the third choice is under 15% then your votes will be discounted. Additionally, I posses 6 superdelegates which I will assign based on whimsy after the vote which will guarantee that I will first write whatever topic I really want first. But don't let that dissuade you, vote away!]


Real said...

Nine and ten

Real said...

Um, I mean ten first, then nine.

Real said...

You know, if you wrote in your blog daily you could hit on ALL these topics in 2 1/2 weeks! I'm just sayin'.... Cause you obviously have time to read all those books despite your studies, surely there's time in there for blogging, too.

trogonpete said...

you're supposed to pick 3!

I read when I'm on the bus to/from work, which is not a good time to write posts! If you have so much time, YOU should write some of my posts. You can start with "Cranks, kooks, ..."

MandaMommy said...

11, 10, 9. I agree with Real, though--or you should write at LEAST 1 post every two days... (not that I hold myself to this, but, hey, you write interesting stuff).

Anonymous said...

I'll go for 10, then 9. You know, most of these I'd love to talk about. But I'll settle for reading. I'm currently reading 1491, so please don't review that yet.

I wish I knew my password and e-mail address for my blog because I have some things I want out there and I've no way of posting anything.

And glad to have you back. I'm tired of your long, dead spaces between blog entries. It's really chapping me.

I am an unpledged delegate voting from the State of Better Judgment. you better go with these picks.

trogonpete said...

Dude! You and yer wife need to both pick a third candidate!

Real said...

Sorry. Nothing else really seems that interesting to me. Not that I wouldn't read it. But seeing the topics, I just kind of shrug my shoulders. How bout something nice and juicy like what you love about your wife or when you started using "dude" all the time. Did that predate your graduate studies or what?

trogonpete said...

Ok, fine. I'll settle, sell-out, pander to my [3] readers.

10 wins. I completely lied about how the election would run, so in actuality this is how I'll do it: 3 points for each 1st choice, 2 for the second, etc. Except, to penalize those so boring that they couldn't choose 3, you only get 2 points for your first pick if you only pick 2. Assuming that nobody else will vote, here's the results of the voting:

10. 6 points
9. 3 points
11. 3 points

I'll throw in my one superdelegate so that I can do 11 before 9.

Real said...

I could also vote for something like your top ten most embarassing moments. THAT would be a good one!

Anonymous said...

I agree. My vote number 1 is now for your top ten most embarassing moments, then 10, then 9.


Anonymous said...

No, I cannot tell to you.